class documentation

Controller for the DFPlayer module.

⚠️ All async methods may raise a DFPlayerError on communication failure or on internal errors reported by the module.

Method __init__ Construct a new DFPlayer object to control a DFPlayer module using UART communication.
Method available Get if the player is booted and ready to be interfaced with.
Async Method dac Enable or disable the internal DAC (enabled on DFPlayer boot).
Method deinit Turn off the DFPlayer connection.
Async Method eq Query or set an equalizer preset.
Async Method gain Set DAC output gain.
Method init Initialize the DFPlayer.
Async Method mode Query or set a playback mode.
Async Method next Play the next track.
Async Method num_files_device Query the number of files on a given storage device.
Async Method num_files_folder Query the number of files in a numeric folder.
Async Method num_folders Query the number of available folders.
Method off_done Remove one or all event handler(s) for completion of file playback.
Method off_eject Remove one or all event handler(s) for storage device ejection.
Method off_insert Remove one or all event handler(s) for storage device insertion.
Method off_ready Remove one or all event handler(s) for player / storage device readying.
Method on_done Register an event handler for completion of file playback.
Method on_eject Register an event handler for storage device ejection.
Method on_insert Register an event handler for storage device insertion.
Method on_ready Register an event handler for player / storage device readying.
Async Method pause Pause playback (can be resumed via resume).
Async Method play Start playback of a track or advert.
Async Method play_advert Alias of play(DFPlayer.FOLDER_ADVERT, ...).
Async Method play_id Start playback via track's id.
Async Method play_mp3 Alias of play(DFPlayer.FOLDER_MP3, ...).
Async Method playing Fetch whether playback is in progress.
Async Method previous Play the previous track.
Async Method reset Resets (reboots) the player.
Async Method resume Resume playback.
Async Method send_cmd Send a raw command to the player.
Async Method send_query Send a raw query command to the player and return the responded value.
Async Method sleep Set the player into sleep mode.
Async Method source Set the playback source device.
Async Method standby Enable or disable the player's standby mode.
Async Method state Query playback state.
Async Method stop Stop playback.
Async Method stop_advert Stop playback of running advert, continuing regular track.
Async Method track_id Query the currently playing/internally selected track's id on a given storage device.
Async Method version Query the player's software version.
Async Method volume Query or set the player's volume.
Method wait_available Await DFPlayer availability (see available)
Async Method wake Wake the player from sleep mode.
Constant EQ_BASS Bass-heavy equalizer mode.
Constant EQ_CLASSIC Classic equalizer mode.
Constant EQ_FLAT Flat (default/balanced) equalizer mode.
Constant EQ_JAZZ Jazz equalizer mode.
Constant EQ_POP Pop equalizer mode.
Constant EQ_ROCK Rock equalizer mode.
Constant FOLDER_ADVERT 'ADVERT' folder on the storage device.
Constant FOLDER_MP3 'MP3' folder on the storage device.
Constant MODE_RANDOM_ALL Randomize through all tracks (includes adverts).
Constant MODE_REPEAT_ALL Repeat all tracks sequentially (includes adverts).
Constant MODE_REPEAT_FILE Repeat a single file.
Constant MODE_REPEAT_FOLDER Repeat all tracks of a numeric folder.
Constant MODE_SINGLE Play files once (default).
Constant STATE_PAUSED Playback halted, track can be resumed.
Constant STATE_PLAYING Playback in progress.
Constant STATE_STOPPED Playback halted, no track progress retained.
Instance Variable log_level Print additional communication information (expects DFPlayer.LOG_... constant).
Instance Variable retries How often to re-send a command on communication failure.
Instance Variable skip_ack Set of command bytes (see source) to not require/request command ACK for.
Instance Variable timeout Milliseconds allowed for the player to process and acknowledge (ACK) sent commands.
Instance Variable timeout_busy Milliseconds allowed between command ACK and busy pin activating (relevant commands only).
Instance Variable timeout_feedback Milliseconds allowed between command ACK and feedback (error/query value).
Method _bytes_to_uint16 Undocumented
Async Method _exec_cmd Undocumented
Async Method _fetch_available Undocumented
Method _get_checksum Undocumented
Method _handle_event Undocumented
Method _off Undocumented
Method _on Undocumented
Async Method _read Undocumented
Async Method _read_loop Undocumented
Async Method _receive_message Undocumented
Method _require_lock Undocumented
Method _uint16_to_bytes Undocumented
Method _validate_read Undocumented
Instance Variable _buffer_read Undocumented
Instance Variable _buffer_send Undocumented
Instance Variable _busy_flag Undocumented
Instance Variable _busy_pin Undocumented
Instance Variable _error Undocumented
Instance Variable _events Undocumented
Instance Variable _init Undocumented
Instance Variable _last_mode Undocumented
Instance Variable _last_selected_device Undocumented
Instance Variable _lock Undocumented
Instance Variable _log Undocumented
Instance Variable _message_receive_done Undocumented
Instance Variable _message_receive_ready Undocumented
Instance Variable _read_task Undocumented
Instance Variable _stream Undocumented
Instance Variable _uart Undocumented
def __init__(self, uart_id: int, busy_pin_id: int|None = None, timeout=200, timeout_feedback=50, timeout_busy=300, retries=5, skip_ack: set[int] = _ALL_QUERIES, log_level=_LOG_NONE): (source)

Construct a new DFPlayer object to control a DFPlayer module using UART communication.

uart_id:intHardware UART id
busy_pin_id:int|NoneOptional pin id that is connected to the BUSY pin of the DFPlayer (uses up one interrupt slot)
timeoutMilliseconds allowed for the player to process and acknowledge (ACK) sent commands
timeout_feedbackMilliseconds allowed between command ACK and feedback (error/query value)
timeout_busyMilliseconds allowed between command ACK and busy pin activating (relevant commands only)
retriesHow often to re-send a command on communication failure
skip_ack:set[int]Set of command bytes (see source) to not require/request command ACK for (by default excludes all queries as original DFPlayer will never ACK query commands)
log_levelPrint additional communication information (expects DFPlayer.LOG_... constant)
def available(self) -> bool: (source)

Get if the player is booted and ready to be interfaced with.

⚠️ The player may still not process commands if in standby or sleep mode.

async def dac(self, enable=True): (source)

Enable or disable the internal DAC (enabled on DFPlayer boot).

def deinit(self): (source)

Turn off the DFPlayer connection.

Turns off the underlying UART bus and frees an interrupt handler for the busy pin (if used).

async def eq(self, eq: int|None = None): (source)

Query or set an equalizer preset.

eq:int|NoneSet equalizer to one of the DFPlayer.EQ_... constants.
async def gain(self, gain: int): (source)

Set DAC output gain.

gain:intSet gain to a value between 0-31 inclusive.
def init(self, **kwargs): (source)

Initialize the DFPlayer.

Needs to be called before any commands can be sent or events can be received. Additional keyword-only parameters will be passed to UART.init of the underlying UART bus used for communicating with the player.

async def mode(self, mode: int|None = None, folder: int|None = None): (source)

Query or set a playback mode.

⚠️ While DFPlayer.MODE_SINGLE and DFPlayer.MODE_REPEAT_FILE passively change the playback mode, the other modes will actively start playback.

⚠️ DFPlayer.MODE_REPEAT_ALL and DFPlayer.MODE_RANDOM_ALL will also consider adverts.

mode:int|NoneSet mode to one of the DFPlayer.MODE_... constants.
folder:int|NoneFolder to repeat (only with DFPlayer.MODE_REPEAT_FOLDER).
async def next(self): (source)

Play the next track.

async def num_files_device(self, device: int|None = None): (source)

Query the number of files on a given storage device.

If no device is specified, the last active one known to this driver is queried.

device:int|NoneDFPlayer.DEVICE_... constant to query.
async def num_files_folder(self, folder: int): (source)

Query the number of files in a numeric folder.

folder:intFolder number to query.
async def num_folders(self): (source)

Query the number of available folders.

def off_done(self, handler: Callable[[int, int]]|None = None): (source)

Remove one or all event handler(s) for completion of file playback.

handler:Callable[[int, int]]|NoneHandler to remove (all when None)
def off_eject(self, handler: Callable[[int]]|None = None): (source)

Remove one or all event handler(s) for storage device ejection.

handler:Callable[[int]]|NoneHandler to remove (all when None)
def off_insert(self, handler: Callable[[int]]|None = None): (source)

Remove one or all event handler(s) for storage device insertion.

handler:Callable[[int]]|NoneHandler to remove (all when None)
def off_ready(self, handler: Callable[[int]]|None = None): (source)

Remove one or all event handler(s) for player / storage device readying.

handler:Callable[[int]]|NoneHandler to remove (all when None)
def on_done(self, handler: Callable[[int, int]]): (source)

Register an event handler for completion of file playback.

⚠️ Some DFPlayer versions may not report this event for adverts or might report it multiple times in quick succession for any file type.

handler:Callable[[int, int]]Takes integer parameters: (device, track_id)
def on_eject(self, handler: Callable[[int]]): (source)

Register an event handler for storage device ejection.

handler:Callable[[int]]Takes integer parameter: (device)
def on_insert(self, handler: Callable[[int]]): (source)

Register an event handler for storage device insertion.

⚠️ Some DFPlayer versions may not (always) report this event for device insertion, but always or sometimes report the 'ready' event instead.

handler:Callable[[int]]Takes integer parameter: (device)
def on_ready(self, handler: Callable[[int]]): (source)

Register an event handler for player / storage device readying.

⚠️ Some DFPlayer versions may not (always) report this event for device readying, but always or sometimes report the 'insert' event instead.


df.on_ready(lambda d: print("Ready! SD-card available?", bool(d & df.DEVICE_SDCARD)))
handler:Callable[[int]]Takes integer parameter (bit field of DFPlayer.DEVICE_... constants): (devices)
async def pause(self): (source)

Pause playback (can be resumed via resume).

async def play(self, folder: int, file: int, await_start=False): (source)

Start playback of a track or advert.

Adverts will temporarily interrupt tracks.

⚠️ On some DFPlayer versions, adverts may only be played while a regular track is playing.

⚠️ Playback from numeric folders and files prefixed with 0 seems to work but may report an out-of-bounds error.


done = await, 24)
await done
print("Playback finished.")

from asyncio import sleep
from asyncio.funcs import gather
done = []
done.append(await, 64))
await sleep(4)
done.append(await, 12))
await gather(*done)
print("Playback finished.")
folder:intFolder of the track to be played (either numeric 1-99 or DFPlayer.FOLDER_... constant).
file:intNumeric file prefix (1-3000 in folders 1-15; 1-256 in folders 16-99; 0-9999 in MP3; 0-9999 in ADVERT)
await_startIf set, this coroutine only returns once the player starts playback (is busy). busy_pin_id must have been passed to constructor.
An awaitable that will finish at the end of playback. When looping is enabled, the awaitable will still finish when the first iteration ends.
async def play_advert(self, file: int, await_start=False): (source)

Alias of play(DFPlayer.FOLDER_ADVERT, ...).

async def play_id(self, track_id: int, await_start=False): (source)

Start playback via track's id.

The id refers to the index of the file on the filesystem (starting at 1). This usually resembles the order in which files were copied onto the storage device and can target files in any folder.

⚠️ Using this method is seldom the best approach. Other playback methods are more robust when playing specific files on the filesystem.

async def play_mp3(self, file: int, await_start=False): (source)

Alias of play(DFPlayer.FOLDER_MP3, ...).

async def playing(self): (source)

Fetch whether playback is in progress.

Will use the busy pin, if specified in the constructor. Otherwise is equivalent to (await self.state()) == DFPlayer.STATE_PLAYING.

async def previous(self): (source)

Play the previous track.

async def reset(self): (source)

Resets (reboots) the player.

The reboot can take up to 3 seconds and can be awaited using wait_available


await df.reset()
await df.wait_available()
# ...
async def resume(self): (source)

Resume playback.

Can also start playback of the file currently internally selected by the player.

async def send_cmd(self, cmd: int, param1=0, param2: int|None = None, await_busy=False): (source)

Send a raw command to the player.

While usually unnecessary as the full feature-set of the DFPlayer is supported by the API, raw commands can be sent to directly interface with the DFPlayer.

cmd:intDFPlayer command byte
param1uint8 when first of two parameters or single uint16 parameter
param2:int|Noneuint8 second parameter
await_busyIf set, an error is raised if the player does not report busy state in response
async def send_query(self, cmd: int, param1=0, param2: int|None = None): (source)

Send a raw query command to the player and return the responded value.

While usually unnecessary as the full feature-set of the DFPlayer is supported by the API, raw query commands can be sent to directly interface with the DFPlayer.

cmd:intDFPlayer command byte
param1uint8 when first of two parameters or single uint16 parameter
param2:int|Noneuint8 second parameter
async def sleep(self): (source)

Set the player into sleep mode.

This changes the playback source to an idle 'sleep' device.

async def source(self, device: int): (source)

Set the playback source device.

device:intSet device to one of the DFPlayer.DEVICE_... constants.
async def standby(self, enable=True): (source)

Enable or disable the player's standby mode.

This is supposed to be a power-saving mode but does not seem to have a power-saving effect on most or all DFPlayer versions. Due to the player not processing any commands in this mode, disabling standby mode via standby(False) does not actually seem to work.

async def state(self): (source)

Query playback state.

One of the DFPlayer.STATE_... constants.
async def stop(self): (source)

Stop playback.

async def stop_advert(self): (source)

Stop playback of running advert, continuing regular track.

async def track_id(self, device: int|None = None): (source)

Query the currently playing/internally selected track's id on a given storage device.

If no device is specified, the last active one known to this driver is queried.

device:int|NoneDFPlayer.DEVICE_... constant to query.
async def version(self): (source)

Query the player's software version.

async def volume(self, volume: int|None = None): (source)

Query or set the player's volume.

volume:int|NoneSet volume to a value between 0-30 inclusive.
def wait_available(self): (source)

Await DFPlayer availability (see available)

Can be used at program start to ensure the player is booted up before taking commands.


df = DFPlayer(0)
await df.wait_available()
# ...
Awaitable that finishes once the player is available to be interfaced with.
async def wake(self): (source)

Wake the player from sleep mode.

This changes the playback source to the last active one known to this driver, defaulting to the SD card.

Bass-heavy equalizer mode.

EQ_CLASSIC = (source)

Classic equalizer mode.


Flat (default/balanced) equalizer mode.


Jazz equalizer mode.


Pop equalizer mode.


Rock equalizer mode.

FOLDER_ADVERT = (source)

'ADVERT' folder on the storage device.

FOLDER_MP3 = (source)

'MP3' folder on the storage device.

MODE_RANDOM_ALL = (source)

Randomize through all tracks (includes adverts).

MODE_REPEAT_ALL = (source)

Repeat all tracks sequentially (includes adverts).


Repeat a single file.


Repeat all tracks of a numeric folder.

MODE_SINGLE = (source)

Play files once (default).

STATE_PAUSED = (source)

Playback halted, track can be resumed.

STATE_PLAYING = (source)

Playback in progress.

STATE_STOPPED = (source)

Playback halted, no track progress retained.

log_level: int = (source)

Print additional communication information (expects DFPlayer.LOG_... constant).

retries: int = (source)

How often to re-send a command on communication failure.

skip_ack: set[int] = (source)

Set of command bytes (see source) to not require/request command ACK for.

timeout: int = (source)

Milliseconds allowed for the player to process and acknowledge (ACK) sent commands.

timeout_busy: int = (source)

Milliseconds allowed between command ACK and busy pin activating (relevant commands only).

timeout_feedback: int = (source)

Milliseconds allowed between command ACK and feedback (error/query value).

def _bytes_to_uint16(self, bytes: tuple[int, int]): (source)


async def _exec_cmd(self, cmd: int, param1=0, param2: int|None = None, use_ack=False): (source)


async def _fetch_available(self): (source)


def _get_checksum(self, bytes: bytearray): (source)


def _handle_event(self): (source)


def _off(self, event: int, handler: Callable|None): (source)


def _on(self, event: int, handler: Callable): (source)


async def _read(self): (source)


async def _read_loop(self): (source)


async def _receive_message(self, timeout: int): (source)


def _require_lock(func): (source)


def _uint16_to_bytes(self, value: int): (source)


def _validate_read(self, stop: int): (source)


_buffer_read = (source)


_buffer_send = (source)


_busy_flag = (source)


_busy_pin = (source)





_last_mode = (source)


_last_selected_device = (source)




_message_receive_done = (source)


_message_receive_ready = (source)


_read_task: Task|None = (source)


